I was a big fan of Neva's blogs. From her multiply site (which I stalked while I was pregnant with Maia-now I'm confessing) until she moved to Manilamommy.com and in Twitter (where we get to have a picture of how I days go). Our kids were born a month apart so I felt like I shared her Mommy adventures each time I read a post. Yes, I found an online friend in Manilamommy.
So when the opportunity came up to finally meet her, I dropped her a note in Twitter. Manilababyshop (Neva and her hubby Dan's business venture) was joining the Expo Mom Fair at the Rockwell tent and we always pass by Rockwell after Maia's Saturday Summer class so it was a convenient stop.
We chatted a bit when we got there. We didn't stay long since Maia was restless and wanted to get her hands on the bags on display. I decided to get her a lunch bag to use in school. Little girl had a big smile when I handed the bag over to her. She was so happy with her first expo purchase that she went to bed with it for 2 consecutive days. Manang hid the bag on the 3rd day because we're afraid she might actually put some food in it and bring it to bed.
It was nice to finally meet somebody you knew virtually. Maybe one of these days we can actually set up playdates so the little kids that brought us together can finally meet as well.
Sharing a photo of Neva and me (photo I grabbed from her blog hehe. thanks Neva!)