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Monday, May 16, 2011

Parent Introductory Afternoon at St Mikael Playhouse

I received this email from Sujata (the school director) yesterday and thought I'd share it here since you might be interested with Waldorf and this is a wonderful venue for you to get a clearer picture of what Waldorf kindergarten is. Ms Bella Tan is very accommodating and when we attended a similar intro talk we were able to ask all the questions that we needed answers to.

I encourage you to sign up if Waldorf is an option that you have for your toddler.


Dear Parents!

We've scheduled another Parent Introductory Afternoon on Saturday, May 21, 2pm to 5pm at ISIP Center!

We know that some of you attended our Intro Evening last February, or are already enrolled in one of our programs. However please do pass on the information below to other parents of young children that may be interested, or those who were unable to attend then.

Or you may be a new parent exploring ST MICHAEL PLAYHOUSE as an option for the coming school year.

First-time attendees to this Intro may have an opportunity to avail of a free trial class!

Not only will you learn about the offerings of ST MICHAEL PLAYHOUSE starting this June 2011, including dates, daily rhythm, and tuition, you will also get to hear about the unique features of Steiner early childhood education from one of its pioneers, Ms. Bella Tan of Rudolf Steiner Education in the Philippines.

Reserve early!


G/f, 6241 Palma cor Mañalac Sts.
Bgy. Poblacion, Makati City (near Rockwell)
Mobile: 0917 847 0848
Facebook: Look up 'St Michael Playhouse Makati'
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