Yesterday, we started the first of our 5 sessions for the summer with St. Mikael Playhouse's Parent-Child program.
I cannot believe how behaved Maia was althrough out the session considering that we had to travel all the way from Cavite just to be able to join this class. When we got to the school 40 minutes earlier than schedule, she was just ecstatic to get into the 'classroom' but patiently waited for the 'gates' to open.
When Teacher Josie called her into the room, she immediately took a seat and grabbed some crayons and drew away. A few minutes after, she asked: Mommy, wala ako classmates? (I don't have classmates?). Excited much, ano?
At around 8:40 kids starting coming and we were ready to start by 9am. It was a large class. Much larger than the class that we joined when we tried last February and half of the moms I was with were first-timers. It was a good mix - of 'veteran' waldorf parents and of newbies. I would like to think I am in the middle. Hehe.
Here's how our program was set to go. This is called the Rhythm of the Day:
9am Arrival
Change to indoor shoes/slippers (child and adult)
Towels hanged (one inside the toilet, the other near the front door)
9:05-9:40 am Free play/Art Activity
Toy-making (for parents)
9:40am Clean-up
9:45am Washing of hands/Toilet time
Setting the Table
10:00am Snack Time
10:15am Circle Time
10:20am Changing of shoes/slippers to outdoor shoes
Outdoor free play
Parents discussion/sharing time
10:45am Wash-up
10:55am Storytelling
11:00am Goodbye Song
I love the idea that kids use breakables and are taught to set the table themselves. After our trial class last February, we started using breakables for Maia too. And she's learning to be more careful with handling them. I like that this somehow helped tame her in the sense that she doesn't throw things as often as before.
The school prepares the snacks. And they are the organic, healthy type. During the trial class we were served rolled oats with yoghurt, apples and raisins and yesterday we had fresh fruits (pineapple, bananas and melons). I'm really happy because Maia always ask for seconds and even third servings. Normally, she would eat just a few pieces of pineapply and melons but yesterday was really different. I hope she'd start eating like that here at home. I'm already thinking of ways to improve our daily menu. Hehe.
I also like how teachers deal with each kid in a very gentle manner. And they transition to each activity by playing music (and not the loud kind, but soft gentle music). The teacher yesterday played the xylophone and this attracted the kids attention immediatly so it wasn't very difficult to transition from one activity to the other.
I know I'll have lots of stories to share after we've completed this class. But for now, let me share with you some photos that I took of Maia from yesterday.