I'm finally easing back to my reality. Days filled with meetings, conference calls, attacking a huge paper pile, polishing reports, dealing with graphs and pie charts. It can get crazier and crazier if I go on.
A few days ago, I allowed myself to wallow in sadness. I mourned the end of my hands on mothering. I've been so into the moment this past two weeks that I briefly forgot that role already took a backseat several months ago. Was it good that I was given the chance to play hands-on mommy again? Of course. But I feel bad it had to end so soon. Just when I was already so immersed to the role. If you are an instagram contact you know what I mean as I've been flooding your feeds with coosome twosome pictures of me and the little girl for days now.
In the past weeks, I did the laundry, pressed Maia's uniforms, scrubbed the floors, dipped my curious hands into baking, made daily visits to the nearby wet market, rushed to the supermarket on a weekday for our weekly groceries, planned our daily menu, washed the dishes. Things that I used to enjoy doing but haven't done for so long now. Ahh and it's just so liberating that I do not have to worry about work and just enjoy my time with my little girl!
It's been a very tiring two weeks for me. But more than the aching muscles and joints, it's really fulfilling to see my daughter so happy to have been around the house all to herself for one full day.