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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sweet Turns Sour: The Makings Of A Ruined Stay-cation

Funny how things can make a 360 degree turnaround in just a blink of an eye.

Well, I am exaggerating on that last part. But that's exactly how I felt today. After looking forward to this long weekend for the longest time, it ends up with me tending to a sick little miss. And she has been a crybaby all day long I am almost at wits end. (close to pulling my hair)

sleep-deprived as I was. I rushed to make these pancakes this morning in the hopes that the smell and the colors would lighten up our home. AND IT DID! Surprisingly.
Despite feeling unwell however, she didn't fail to deliver comic relief. While coughing and crying at the same time, she goes: "bakit ba ako nagkakaganito?? Ayoko na nito!" Tibs just couldn't help but laugh. She was so adult-sounding there (and so full of drama). We almost forgot we were dealing with a girl whose barely 4.

This weather was not very helpful for this highly allergic family. I have been dealing with a bad case of skin asthma for the past two weeks and the Mr and the little girl with allergic rhinitis. The little miss unfortunately started coughing over the weekend and I got a bit scared when I heard a slight wheeze when I pressed my ear on her back early this morning. (bubble thought: no. please don't ever let this develop into asthma, dear God)

So we have been sleep-deprived the entire weekend. Taking turns with round the clock sponge bath for the little miss. Thankfully the low-grade fever broke this morning (and hopefully it's not coming back anymore). No need for paracetamol. The homeo meds did their trick and I was just so relieved.

Half of our weekend plans were again ruined. But I guess, we were really destined to just spend time at home and rest our weary bones. The little miss seem to be having a grand time and is not showing any signs of restlessness despite being locked inside the house for a full day already. I had several arts and crafts activities lined up but I lost the enthusiasm for it already so I am shelving those for now and saving them for next weekend when the little miss's cousins come over for a visit. 

So anyways, hope your weekend is turning out better than ours. It has been a long, long time since we slaves have had a 4-day weekend. But we all desire it, so I hope you are just rocking it!
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