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Friday, August 3, 2012

Maia's Fave: Dance Music, Stop The Rock

What's your favorite song Mommy?

Well madami but right now it's "Pinwheels", I reply.

Ako mommy, Stop The Rock. Dali play mo ulit! Ang sarap sumayaw! Tawrah sayaw tayo!

Then she goes jumping up and down our bed. She would stop and change her footwork from time to time but she didn't stop dancing till the song ended.

Maybe we should seriously consider enrolling her in a dance class now. What do you think, daddy?

my phone isn't good enough to take photos of her actually jumping and dancing.
had to content myself with this silhouette-ish shot. 
After jumping on the bed nonstop for several minutes she puts her hand on her chest and says: ANG GALING O, TUMUTUNOG ANG HEART KO DADDY! 
On a rather sadder note, I don't think the rain is gonna let up anytime soon. I felt a bit of gloom when we woke up (a little later than usual today, the day started at 9am in our usually 7am-ish household) this morning. We're stuck at home once again (had to postpone weekend plans again it seems).

And then again (feeling best not to wallow in gloom), looking at the brighter side of things, the rain gives just the perfect excuse to laze around and spend quality (which is always a welcomed idea) time with our loved ones. I'm making us some pasta for late lunch earlier meryenda in a bit. And this morning we had Maia's favorite choco pancakes too (upped the sugar ratio a bit by sprinkling in some mini-M & M's on it but sneaked it a few tablespoons of Flaxseed to keep the healthy vibe on), and the little girl was gushing over how great she was in the kitchen and kept bragging of how good her pancakes tasted. Well she did finish a serving without much struggle so I guess it did taste good.

Stay safe and dry this weekend! Let's hope for a dryer incoming week. (I personally have had enough of the rain)

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