Upon the kid's request, we came to pick her up from school yesterday. She was specific that morning - she wanted us BOTH (her dad and me) to be there and being the spoiling parents that we are, we indulged her request. We arrived about 30 minutes before dismissal time so I thought I might as well grab the opportunity to talk to her class adviser. I reminded myself though not to go overboard as I did promise myself, when it comes to the kid's schooling I will not be the overzealous stage mama that I was before she became an official preschooler. My only goal by initiating this talk is just to find out how the little miss is coping in class with her being a first-time preschooler. I don't really intend to ask anything academics-related. At this point, that is really the least of my concerns. I really just wanted to confirm from her teacher herself if she is having fun in school.
While we were waiting for dismissal time, I ran down in my mind all the possible question I could ask:
- How is she in class? (that general, but i'm sure we'll eventually have more details)
- Does she get along with her classmates?
- Is she easily understood when she's called to recite or when she needs something?
- Regarding Parent-Teacher conferences, are we really required to attend? Or are there really schedules for that?
- Does she get along with her classmates?
- Is she easily understood when she's called to recite or when she needs something?
- Regarding Parent-Teacher conferences, are we really required to attend? Or are there really schedules for that?
And these are the answers I got from our brief interaction:
- How is she in class? (that general, but i'm sure we'll eventually have more details)/Does she get along with her classmates?/Is she easily understood when she's called to recite or when she needs something?
Maia is really shy. But she is very diligent with her seat works and can usually work on her own after the teacher has given general instructions. (The teacher tells me she would balk when asked for a kiss. I think Maia has yet to get really comfortable around adults) She gets along with her classmates well and even has some BFFs already. And if she needs something she does not hesitate to approach Ms. J despite the shyness so Ms. J tells me that should be fine. We are hoping she'd eventually overcome the shyness at the end of the school year and eventually get comfy with the sight of her teachers. She also recites and gives answers when asked.
- Regarding Parent-Teacher conferences, are we really required to attend? Or are there really schedules for that?
As how most of the school activities are communicated, PTCs will be also communicated in the same way which is via our kids' diaries. The will attach the ARC (automated report card) notice in it for the parents to countersign. And the teacher tells me they only request parents of those kids they think merits the highest attention (re: school work issues, learning problems). Although, even if a parent did not get a PTC notice but comes to the teacher with an issue that he/she would like to discuss they will also be entertained.
Although the talk was short, it somehow gave me the assurance that my little girl is thriving and will be alright. It gave me some sense of peace knowing that the teacher knows her students and shows concern for each of them.