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Sunday, May 12, 2013

This Thing Called Motherhood.

Last night, I plugged in an old external harddrive containing photos from several years ago. I was looking for a decent photo of my mom, to use for my mother's greeting to her. But I ended up browsing from folder to folder of Maia's infant photos. 

I always say how fast time flies when I look at my daughter. But truthfully, with me being so uptight with documenting her every move, I can hardly measure how far she's grown physically just by looking. Sometimes, how fast time flies just end up as a declaration of time that passed and not so much of me having a point of comparison on the physical aspect anymore. I hope you get what I mean.

Not till I saw these photos again. And I'm glad I made friends with my ever reliable point and shoot when this little girl was just a tiny little thing. I remember how tough our first 2 years were. I remembered the countless meltdowns, sometimes to the point of me actually questioning my ability to parent a child. 

But all those doubts were somehow put to rest now. I look at my little dalagita and my heart just swells. With pride. With love. With hope. With assurance. That after every emotional rollercoaster that we've been through, I somehow existed for this particular purpose. To be this kid's mother. To help raise this tiny little thing to become something - somebody with a purpose as well - someday.

Thank you for always pushing me to strive to be the best, Maia. I am a better person now because of you. You and daddy helped shape me to be BETTER. This thing called motherhood is the best thing that ever happened to me. 

Posting my favorite photos here from some almost 5 years ago:

just a few days into this complicated but fulfilling world called motherhood.
look at that face. i probably still couldn't believe i delivered that tiny thing i was holding
masandal tulog.
Gigil. She was barely a month old here, I think. Tibs tells me this is probably the only stage in the kid's life where she showed any semblance to me. Huhu. Baket????
Our favorite bonding activity then. Fly-fly.

3 month old little miss. i steal a kiss at every opportunity i get.
My first mother's day celebration with my 7 month old chubilita.
It's all been wonderful and memorable mother's day celebrations since.


Aimee Diego said...

She's such a cutie!!!

pyxxie0703 said...

Thank you Aimee! :)

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