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Friday, October 12, 2012

Teacher's Day Seatwork

In the lobby of the kid's preschool building  the teachers maintain this artwork 'show-off' board where each of the preschool sections would take turns posting their class's top artwork pieces on special projects. I only came to know of this recently.

Mommy oh, di na lumalagpas pagko color ko!

Here's a photo of my little miss proudly showing her completed artwork from the Teacher's Day celebration last October 5th. This was the second time that one of her artworks made it to the board. The first one she showed to her dad but the daddy forgot to take a photo of it, I didn't see what it was. So yesterday, she made sure Ate Inday took a snap of her and her 'masterpiece' to show to me later.

If you're proud of yourself little girl, WE - daddy and me - are even prouder.
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