Today is community day/trick or treating day in the little miss's school. They are supposed to come to school dressed as their favorite community helpers. Maia chose to come as a doctor. Sadly, I can't be with her again today. Because well -- I have work.
I know that we are always given options. Today I have two: miss work and come in tomorrow. Or come to work today and earn the ticket to miss work tomorrow. I chose the latter. Because the latter would give me more time to spend with the kids (my nephew is here for a week-long visit). I can take them to the museum and maybe if we still have time and maybe if they're not tired yet we can still drop by the zoo. The kid's cousin only comes to visit once a year and I think I owe him too at least a day to come and see things (read: Manila sights).
But missing the kid's school activities always renders me heartbroken. And I tend to beat myself up for stuff like this. Sigh.I know, I know that just like the heartbreaks I felt with all those milestones I missed, I will eventually get over this. I will eventually realize that supermom is really just somebody fictional. And that I should stop aiming to be one. (Today though I will just wallow in this pool of sadness. Sorry for the rather gloomy post. I just need to let this out)
Meantime, thank you Ate Inday for stepping in for us. I hope they make more of you.