Dear Fairy Princess,
I intended to make this wand tomorrow. But in the middle of my run this morning, I got a text message from your shuttle service operator saying ESS declared a no school day for preschoolers today. I was overjoyed! You see, your dad's office is throwing a trick or treat party for the kids today and I so wanted for you to join. I've been wishing for years but we always had your costumes ready the last minute in the past. This year we were more prepared. You already had your costume ready by the time October hit. I learned about your dad's office trick or treat party last week but since I know that you still have school, I didn't push for you to join since you might get the impression that you can just go ahead and miss school anytime you wish to. No, that's not how we go about with schedules at home little miss so even if it saddened me a bit thinking you're passing up again another opportunity to see your dad's workplace I had to let it go. I have to teach you about priorities and this is one of those teaching moments.
When I told your dad you can now join the trick or treat party, he wasn't as ecstatic as me. He hesitated actually. I guess the idea of being bugged by a little miss makulit at work wasn't a very thrilling thought (you know how daddy hates being thrown out of focus). But since I am also Mrs Makulit, he relented. Not with some conditions though - that you only leave the house when the rain lets up and that you let us sift through the candies you get before you start eating. You agreed to all conditions. I went to pack up your stuff for him to bring with him this morning so you and Ate Inday will have a worry-free commute later.
That's when I realized you don't have a wand yet (and a headdress actually to complete the attire but I immediately set aside that thought else I'll just succumb to panic) so I frantically got my crafts box out and started working hurriedly on a wand. I already had a design in mind but I mentally computed the time it would entail me to finish and decided on a simpler version for now. I thought I will just add more embellishments tomorrow.
I intended to make this wand tomorrow. But in the middle of my run this morning, I got a text message from your shuttle service operator saying ESS declared a no school day for preschoolers today. I was overjoyed! You see, your dad's office is throwing a trick or treat party for the kids today and I so wanted for you to join. I've been wishing for years but we always had your costumes ready the last minute in the past. This year we were more prepared. You already had your costume ready by the time October hit. I learned about your dad's office trick or treat party last week but since I know that you still have school, I didn't push for you to join since you might get the impression that you can just go ahead and miss school anytime you wish to. No, that's not how we go about with schedules at home little miss so even if it saddened me a bit thinking you're passing up again another opportunity to see your dad's workplace I had to let it go. I have to teach you about priorities and this is one of those teaching moments.
When I told your dad you can now join the trick or treat party, he wasn't as ecstatic as me. He hesitated actually. I guess the idea of being bugged by a little miss makulit at work wasn't a very thrilling thought (you know how daddy hates being thrown out of focus). But since I am also Mrs Makulit, he relented. Not with some conditions though - that you only leave the house when the rain lets up and that you let us sift through the candies you get before you start eating. You agreed to all conditions. I went to pack up your stuff for him to bring with him this morning so you and Ate Inday will have a worry-free commute later.
That's when I realized you don't have a wand yet (and a headdress actually to complete the attire but I immediately set aside that thought else I'll just succumb to panic) so I frantically got my crafts box out and started working hurriedly on a wand. I already had a design in mind but I mentally computed the time it would entail me to finish and decided on a simpler version for now. I thought I will just add more embellishments tomorrow.
So what were the materials that I used to make this wand?
-a piece of balloon stick from a balloon that Maia took home from a Jollibee party (which I hid from the hubby else he might again scold me for hoarding trash)
-a piece of balloon stick from a balloon that Maia took home from a Jollibee party (which I hid from the hubby else he might again scold me for hoarding trash)
-a silver fabric ribbon saved from last year's Christmas gifts
- 2 pieces of 6 inch silver strings (sorry I don't know how they're called exactly)
-a ball of cotton for stuffing
-felt fabric (leftover from my holiday project)
-a tiny green pompom
-needle and green thread
-magic tape (to seal the bottom)
- 2 pieces of 6 inch silver strings (sorry I don't know how they're called exactly)
-a ball of cotton for stuffing
-felt fabric (leftover from my holiday project)
-a tiny green pompom
-needle and green thread
-magic tape (to seal the bottom)
I just wrapped the silver ribbon on the balloon stick and stuck it in between the star-patterned felt fabric that I stuffed with cotton. I sewed the edges to seal off. The pompom in the middle is there for a purpose. I actually hides the stitches that holds the stick. The silver string that I attached on the sides were just a spur of the moment thing because I wanted it to sort of 'sparkle' when you wave it.
So there. I made you a wand. In 15 minutes. I am flash mommy! :)) I'm kinda proud of myself for coming up with this wand that fast.
Sadly (and I'm a little heartbroken), your trip to daddy's office didn't push through because dad wasn't able to register you on time. They had a cut off and it was last Monday. You cried when I called to break the news but Ate Inday tells me you're all better now. And you seem to have forgotten about it already.
So anyways, this wand won't be wasted at all. You still have the weekend coming up and you're going trick or treating with your cousins and Ate Chloe. It's still going to be lots of fun. And you're going to be the prettiest fairy princess ever.
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She goes -- MOMMY THIS IS SO PURRRRTEEEEE! Ang likot lang I couldn't take a decent shot. |