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Monday, October 29, 2012

Little Miss Green Fairy Princess and Trick-or-Treat Weekend

Trick or Treat? A witch-boy and two green fairies
Six months before most people would start preparing for trick or treating activities, she's already decided who she would be dressed up as at this year's halloween party. Our village hosts a trick or treat activity for the village kids and she has always looked forward to it since she was 2. She wanted to be Tinkerbell this year. But her dad didn't like the idea of her getting attached to a particular Disney character so we had to edit a bit and just settle for green fairy which didn't bother her at all. Basta she's a fairy. That's all that mattered. (the birthday theme was actually a spin-off of this)

We bought the cloth from divisoria - a yard of soft green tulle fabric and another yard of the soft silky cloth (which I don't know the real term is). I think it only costed us less than P200 for the fabric. And I had plenty of extra left to set aside for future projects. (I think I can even make a tulle skirt out of the remaining fabric)

The original costume design that we had it patterned after had no sleeves but since (per experience) come October the temp in this part of the hills that we live in usually drops to something similar to that of chilly Tagaytay, I had to add sleeves on her costume as well. We opted for puffed sleeves so she will look like a fairy princess. The dress costed us P250 (which I think was overpriced considering the stress that the sewer gave us but it left us no choice for now. But I probably will not avail of her services anymore in the future. Time to look for a new one)

We had the costume made early September. The sewer didn't have it ready till mid-October though and by the time Ate Inday picked it up, the excitement has waned already. It even took us 3 days to convince her to fit the dress on. It was a little loose but I was too kind to bring it back and have it repaired so we opted to just 'repair' it ourselves with a couple of safety pins. Good thing our strategy worked and with it being loose, I think the little miss can still play dress up with this particular costume for quite a long time before she finally outgrows it. 

I wanted to take lots of photos of my fairy princes but I unfortunately had other duties (as I am an officer of our homeowner's association -- see how i like to complicate my life?) the day of the trick or treat so I wasn't able to take nice photos of her but let me just share with you a few photos that the daddy manage to snap. 

here is our fairy princess with her tito (my cousin) Iko
full attention on the program, notice the headband?
i made that one too! i cut out the flowers and sewed them on a recycled headpiece
from one of the birthday parties that we attended previously
photo-op with Jollibee. she just looks so grown up here. 
this was a photo i took the night before. just wanted to take a souvenir shot
of these pretty sugar cookies that my friend Dea gave as a belated
birthday gift to the fairy princess (if you like to order, just pm me ha!)
look at the treats they took home
How did your weekend go? Did you go trick or treating too?
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