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Friday, May 18, 2012

A Happy Friday Post

I was scouring my brains for something nice to post today. Some cheerful mommy news to perk up the remaining hours of Friday and as a sort of joyful welcome for the weekend. But it's been hours...and I came up with NONE. NADA. NIL. 

So I'm just going to call it a day and squeeze myself into Maia's little space on the floor and shower her with kisses while she's deep in slumber. Ate Inday told us it has been an awfully tiring day for her having foregone naptime to spend a full afternoon doodling and playing with her village bff, Shea. She's probably even snoring in there and that would be fun to listen to. The snores are a rare treat for me and her dad because those always remind us that she played like real kids do during the day. And that's exactly how we always like her days to be. 

Since Monday, she's been looking forward to spending the weekend with us so we planned for another lazy family day for our Saturday. We're probably going to hang a DO NOT DISTURB sign on our door tomorrow so don't bother knocking okay? This household is going to be busy being lazy tomorrow!

Have a great weekend everyone! Leaving you with Maia's version of Barney's I Love You song (plus a bonus track lolz)

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