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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Woodwork and Gardening Class At St Michael Playhouse

traditional photo by the daycare door

Maia recently finished Woodwork and Gardening Class At St Michael Playhouse (A Steiner inspired daycare). The class was only intended for 12 students and the slots were already filled when I called to sign up. But since we were just so eager to join, they decided to accept us. I just love everyone behind this daycare (and I bet so does Maia). 

I initially planned to have Maia join the first 2 classes - Baking and Cooking then Arts and Crafts - but I just couldn't escape my deliverables at work so I had to push plans until finally, I got clearance to at least take a day off so I could bring Maia to the first session of this last class. The class ran for 3 days - Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 2-415 in the afternoon (which was just perfect since Maia's active during this time of the day).

The class was to be Maia's first official kiddie class where she will be left on her own. I was all kinds of emotions when I was bidding her goodbye on the first day of class but she proved my fears wrong by showing to me how ready she was to be in school. When I came to pick her up she was all cheerful and just excited to tell me about the things they did in school. She showed no sign of dislike whatsoever. 

This class however being the least of my choices among St Michael's 3 offerings this summer had me setting my expectations at lowest (on second thought, it was even to none). I only had three goals enrolling Maia into this class:

- To establish a summer tradition/routine. I wanted her to have something to look forward to every summer and having already gone to summer class last year, I wanted to make it a yearly thing for her.
- To check and reinforce her independence. With her officially starting Kindergarten this June, I wanted to see how emotionally ready she was. And she did great. She was more than ready to take the plunge. Some friends were even kidding me that it's probably me who is going to suffer separation anxiety come June (and that's probably very true).
- To have fun. I really wanted for Maia to get the chance to mingle with kids other than the ones she's always with in our village. And St Michael (in my personal opinion) is one of the best places to do that because Maia gets to be in a school set up and yet don't get really burdened with school work. And I am leaving her in the hands of well-trained nurturers. Plus she gets to bond with mostly Waldorf kids who (again in my personal opinion and experience) have gentler demeanor. It wouldn't hurt if she gets to pick up some of that gentleness (I know that's shooting at the stars with only three days of exposure but...) as well. :)

I'm glad I didn't set any expectations as this turned out to be a really great, awesome experience for Maia. Till next Summer, St Michael! I hope there's going to be a repeat next year! 

one of maia's favorite activities - the freeplay! she never forgot the toys
and their 'sleeping' quarters and the minute she learned she was coming back,
she immediately planned on raiding this part of the classroom. lolz
Leaving you with photos of Maia in class (that I grabbed from St. Michael's Facebook page):

They had a wonderful class photo but I have yet to ask permission to post the photo here since it has faces of the other kids and I don't know if the parents would permit me to post them here. 


Getting some potting mix into her pot of Stevia plant
Day 2, "Hello There Planty!"
Day 3, "We're going home to Cavite today Planty!"


Kids helping and observing Tito Robert and a classmate at work
playing with the car wheels
the kids' creations (we aren't sure though if maia indeed made her car,
she kept saying i wasn't ready to slice mommy (which i reckon means
she didn't like the sawing part - she developed a fear of knives and
pounding lately)

ST. MICHAEL PLAYHOUSE is located at the 
Ground Floor
6241 Palma cor Manalac Sts.
Bgy. Poblacion, Makati City 1210
(just two minutes from Rockwell Drive)

Call now to schedule a school tour.
Call or text 0917-847-0848 or email
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