I was staring at these uniforms this morning and as most of my little kid's milestone were, I was overwhelmed by all kinds of emotions once again.
We love you Maia! Have fun in school!
You know when they were infants and feeding, you wished they'd start holding their feeding bottles so you can at least have a decent hour (or two if you get lucky) of sleep. And then when they were crawling, you'd wish they'd start walking so you won't have to stay by their side to keep them from constantly falling. And then when they start mumbling, you'd wish they'd start talking so they can finally tell you what they really want.
You wished all that and the minute they happen, you start wishing they go back to being infants. Small, dependent little beings who would just coo or blow raspberries at you and then melt your heart without even realizing it.
Oh I'm being emotional I know. And she's only starting preschool so yes, medyo OA. But it never always stops - that realization of how fast time flies and even if I've metamorphosed into a totally different being (not in my wildest dreams did I ever see myself to be such a cam-whore but I just had to freeze the moment somehow) from how I was say 6 years ago, I still sometimes feel that I didn't document enough. Truth be told, I suddenly realized (yes suddenly like just a few minutes ago) all this fuss about documenting every single milestone was probably all for me and never for Maia. Because I want to remember everything. Every single thing about this little adorable girl.
My dear Maia, if I could stop time I would. But of course, that isn't going to be doing you any good so I will make the effort to stop wishing I could. I hope you find great joy in this new adventure of yours. As always, we are just here to support. And provide all the love that you need. With everything else in this upcoming journey, we shall go by your lead.
We love you Maia! Have fun in school!