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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello 2013!

Happy New Year! How did your 2013 welcome go?

Ours was spent quietly inside our tiny home with windows closed. I did prepare something for Media Noche but the husband and I decided to forego it so we can go to sleep immediately after all the neighbor's firecrackers have been lighted and used up. We did have fun watching the fireworks display (c/o the neighbors too) from inside the comforts of our home though. And despite being scared off initially by the loud firecrackers, our little miss eventually got the hang of all the noise a few minutes into the merriment. She also got hold of her torotots. Blew a few loud horns and proceeded to stand in the door to silently watch the remaining displays of fiery colors up in the night sky from a safe distance. 

Having lived away from my family for almost 6 years prior to getting married, I am used to these quite celebrations. I cherish it deeply, in fact, something I always look forward to at the end of the year. But I'm starting to wonder if this will ever create a lasting impression on the little miss's memory. I was hoping she would hold these quite celebrations dear but being hooked in Instagram (add me up by the way: pyxxie0703) and seeing how most of the families I know are out and about welcoming the new year with a loud bang (in Eastwood, in MOA, in QC), I'm starting to doubt my intentions. Maybe when she's grown she would label her parents as boring. But really, the reason why we prefer to stay at  home is because we wanted to raise a kid who appreciates simple things. And who values family first and foremost. Because to the husband and me who takes pride on those two things - appreciation of simple things and a high regard for family - quite celebrations are what we deem to be the grandest of all. That's our primary intention. But I can only hope for now that she picks those up. 

However, wherever you celebrated your the coming of the new year, I hope you had a blast. If you're out there partying, please know I'm not judging. Someday, when the kid is older I would want to try that too. For now, I will take the smile she had on her face while blowing those torotots as a sign that yes, she had fun spending it quietly it us. I should probably just add more tradition/s (maybe picking one special menu to cook with her) next year so I could ensure she remembers something from this part of her childhood.

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